Children's Essential Food For Intellectual Development

The first three years of a child's birth are considered very important for the proper development of intelligence. At this time of intellectual development, the choice of baby food should be carefully considered.
According to pediatricians, certain foods work well as superfoods for brain development and brain development.

Children's Essential Food For Intellectual Development

Egg: The name of the egg is very first in the list of foods that can play the most effective role in brain formation as well as intellectual development. Iron in eggs helps maintain proper levels of red blood cells. As a result, oxygen supply to the brain increases. Which gradually increases the thinking power and intelligence of the child.

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Banana: One banana per day can be preferred in the diet for a baby's brain development. The sugars in bananas can keep the body energized for a long time. Which strengthens the brain acuity by increasing the child's attention on any subject.

Almonds: Vitamin E present in almonds improves the coordination ability of the baby's brain. So you can give 8 to 10 almonds to the child every afternoon without buying outside food.

Honey: A food rich in natural ingredients is honey. Due to the presence of necessary nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, honey works great in protecting the heart and brain health of the baby as well as increasing the immunity of the body.

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Spinach: Try to keep spinach in your child's lunch regularly. These greens are rich in vitamin K and beta-carotene. Which increases the brain power of the child and increases the memory.

Fish oil: Fish oil can boost brain performance. So give preference to fish oil in food. Marine fish and its oil can be preferred in baby food for better results.

Apart from these 6 foods, you can feed the baby cornflakes, dry fruits, kiwi, cheese, walnuts, strawberries, amlaki, black cumin, red apple etc. In the habit of eating these foods regularly, the child's brain skills will be much more effective than other children.

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